;;; -*- Mode: Emacs-Lisp -*- ;;; Rudimentary, kludgey test suite for paredit -- work in progress! ;; Copyright (C) 2005--2011 Taylor R. Campbell ;; This file is part of paredit. ;; ;; Paredit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; Paredit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with paredit. If not, see . (defun paredit-test-failure-default (command before after expected) (error "%S failed test: after %S, got %S but expected %S." command before after expected)) (defvar paredit-test-failure-function 'paredit-test-failure-default "Function to call when `paredit-test' fails. Four arguments: the paredit command, the text of the buffer before, the text of the buffer after, and the expected text of the buffer after.") (defun paredit-test-failed (command before after expected) (funcall paredit-test-failure-function command before after expected)) (defun paredit-test (command examples) (dolist (example examples) (let ((before (car example))) (dolist (after (cdr example)) (with-temp-buffer (scheme-mode) (insert before) (goto-char (point-min)) (search-forward "|") (backward-delete-char +1) (funcall command) (insert ?\|) (if (not (string= after (buffer-string))) (paredit-test-failed command before (buffer-string) after))) (setq before after))))) (paredit-do-commands (spec keys command examples) nil ;string case ;; `paredit-backslash' has a funny example. (if (not (eq command 'paredit-backslash)) (paredit-test command examples))) (defun paredit-test-bracketed (entries examples) (dolist (entry entries) (let ((command (car entry)) (left (car (cdr entry))) (right (car (cdr (cdr entry))))) (paredit-test command (mapcar (lambda (example) (mapcar (lambda (step) (replace-regexp-in-string "(" (string left) (replace-regexp-in-string ")" (string right) step))) example)) examples))))) ;++ Test `paredit-open-...' with the region active. ;++ Test `paredit-open-...' with prefix arguments. (paredit-test-bracketed '((paredit-open-round ?\( ?\)) (paredit-open-square ?\[ ?\]) (paredit-open-curly ?\{ ?\}) ;; (paredit-open-angled ?\< ?\>) ) '(("(foo|bar)" "(foo (|) bar)") ("(foo| bar)" "(foo (|) bar)") ("(foo |bar)" "(foo (|) bar)") ("(foo|\n bar)" "(foo (|)\n bar)") ("(foo |(bar) baz)" "(foo (|) (bar) baz)") ("(foo (bar)| baz)" "(foo (bar) (|) baz)") ("(foo |\"bar\" baz)" "(foo (|) \"bar\" baz)") ("(foo \"bar\"| baz)" "(foo \"bar\" (|) baz)") ("foo|" "foo (|)") ("|foo" "(|) foo"))) (paredit-test-bracketed '((paredit-close-round ?\( ?\)) (paredit-close-square ?\[ ?\]) (paredit-close-curly ?\{ ?\}) (paredit-close-angled ?\< ?\>)) '(("(#\\|x)" "(#\\|x)") ("(#\\|])" "(#\\|])") ("(#\\| )" "(#\\| )") ("(#\\|\")" "(#\\|\")") ("(\"|\")" "(\")|\")") ("(\"|\")" "(\")|\")"))) (paredit-test-bracketed '((paredit-close-round ?\( ?\)) (paredit-close-square ?\[ ?\]) (paredit-close-curly ?\{ ?\}) ;; (paredit-close-angled ?\< ?\>) ) '(("(|" "()|") ;++ No way to express expected errors. ;; ("foo|" error) ("(foo| ;\n )" "(foo ;\n )|") ("(foo| ;\n bar)" "(foo ;\n bar)|") ("(foo| ;\n bar )" "(foo ;\n bar)|"))) (paredit-test-bracketed '((paredit-close-round-and-newline ?\( ?\)) (paredit-close-square-and-newline ?\[ ?\]) (paredit-close-curly-and-newline ?\{ ?\}) ;; (paredit-close-angled-and-newline ?\< ?\>) ) '(("(foo #\\|( )" "(foo #\\()\n|") ("(foo|\n ) ;bar" "(foo) ;bar\n|") ("((foo|\n) (bar))" "((foo)\n |(bar))"))) (paredit-test 'paredit-newline '(("\"foo|bar\"" "\"foo\n|bar\"") ("(frob grovel ;full |(lexical)\n mumble)" "(frob grovel ;full\n |(lexical)\n mumble)") ("(frob grovel ;full (|lexical)\n mumble)" "(frob grovel ;full (\n ;|lexical)\n mumble)") ("#\\|(" "#\\(\n|"))) (paredit-test 'paredit-reindent-defun ;++ Test filling paragraphs in comments and strings. '(("|(define (square x)\n (* x x))" "|(define (square x)\n (* x x))") ("(define (square x)\n (* x x))|" "(define (square x)\n (* x x))|") ("(define (square x)\n (* x x))|\n(frob\n wotz)" "(define (square x)\n (* x x))|\n(frob\n wotz)") ("(define (square x)\n (* x x))\n|(frob\n wotz)" "(define (square x)\n (* x x))\n|(frob\n wotz)") ("(define (square x)\n | (* x x))" "(define (square x)\n | (* x x))") ("(define (square x)\n | (* x x))" "(define (square x)\n |(* x x))") ("(define (square x)\n (* |x x))" "(define (square x)\n (* |x x))"))) (paredit-test 'paredit-semicolon '(("#\\|(" ";|#\\("))) (paredit-test 'paredit-comment-dwim '(("\"foo|bar;baz\" ;quux" "\"foobar;baz\" ;|quux") ;; Uh oh! Bug in `comment-indent'... ;; ("\"foo\nbar|baz;quux\" ;zot" ;; "\"foo\nbarbaz;quux\" ;|zot") ;; I think the loop in `paredit-comment-on-line' is bogus. Can you ;; elicit more than one iteration of it? That is, can you cause ;; `comment-search-forward' to wind up inside a character or a ;; string? )) (paredit-test 'paredit-forward-delete '(("f|oo" "f|o") (";f|(oo" ";f|oo") (";|;(foo)" ";|(foo)") ("|;;(foo)" "|;(foo)" "|(foo)") (";foo|\n(bar)\n(baz\n quux)" ";foo|(bar)\n(baz\n quux)") ;; (";foo|\n(bar\n baz)" error) ("|;;foo(" "|;foo(") ;; ("|;;foo(" "|;foo(" error) )) (paredit-test 'paredit-backward-delete '(("fo|o" "f|o") (";fo(|o" ";fo|o") (";|;(foo)" "|;(foo)") (";;|(foo)" ";|(foo)" "|(foo)") (";foo\n|(bar)\n(baz\n quux)" ";foo|(bar)\n(baz\n quux)") ;; (";foo\n|(bar\n baz)" error) (";;|foo(" ";|foo(") ;; (";;|foo(" ";|foo(" error) )) ;++ Killing commands...ugh...