path: root/test.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test.el')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/test.el b/test.el
index d37d92f..539f8b2 100644
--- a/test.el
+++ b/test.el
@@ -1287,7 +1287,21 @@ Four arguments: the paredit command, the text of the buffer
("(\"x\"|) y" "(\"x\"| y)")
("(\"x\")| y" error)
("(\"x\") |y" error)
- ("(\"x\") y|" error)))
+ ("(\"x\") y|" error)
+ ("|(x)y" error)
+ (xfail "(|x)y" "(|x y)" error)
+ (xfail"(x|)y" "(x| y)" error)
+ ("(x)|y" error)
+ ("(x)y|" error)
+ ("|(x) ;c\ny" error)
+ (xfail "(|x) ;c\ny" "(|x ;c\n y)" error)
+ (xfail "(x|) ;c\ny" "(x| ;c\n y)" error)
+ ("(x)| ;c\ny" error)
+ ("(x) |;c\ny" error)
+ ("(x) ;|c\ny" error)
+ ("(x) ;c|\ny" error)
+ ("(x) ;c\n|y" error)
+ ("(x) ;c\ny|" error)))
(paredit-test 'paredit-backward-slurp-sexp
'(("|" error)
@@ -1352,7 +1366,22 @@ Four arguments: the paredit command, the text of the buffer
("x (\"|y\")" "(x \"|y\")" "(\"x |y\")")
("x (\"y|\")" "(x \"y|\")" "(\"x y|\")")
("x (\"y\"|)" "(x \"y\"|)")
- ("x (\"y\")|" error)))
+ ("x (\"y\")|" error)
+ ("|x(y)" error)
+ ("x|(y)" error)
+ (xfail "x(|y)" "(x |y)" error)
+ (xfail "x(y|)" "(x y|)" error)
+ ("x(y)|" error)
+ ("|x ;c\n(y)" error)
+ ("x| ;c\n(y)" error)
+ ("x | ;c\n(y)" error)
+ ("x |;c\n(y)" error)
+ ("x ;|c\n(y)" error)
+ ("x ;c|\n(y)" error)
+ ("x ;c\n|(y)" error)
+ (xfail "x ;c\n(|y)" "(x ;c\n |y)" error)
+ (xfail "x ;c\n(y|)" "(x ;c\n y|)" error)
+ ("x ;c\n(y)|" error)))
(let ((current-prefix-arg 2))
(paredit-test 'paredit-forward-slurp-sexp