tag namev25 (8004ed144126eb8df40a2de1baae9d7fc667d253)
tag date2022-11-25 22:55:21 +0000
tagged byTaylor R Campbell <>
tagged objectcommit 642b678e9a...
paredit.el version 25
* paredit now lives at * M-r (paredit-raise-sexp) now respects active mark in Transient Mark Mode. * Paredit Mode and Electric Indent Mode are noted as incompatible. * M-q (paredit-reindent-defun) now respects `fill-paragraph-function'. * New variables `paredit-comment-prefix-...' for `paredit-comment-dwim'. * Reading character in Backslash escape now inherits input method. * M-r (paredit-raise-sexp) no longer reindents single-line sexps. * Various bug fixes and additions to test suite. * Worked around brokenness induced by Electric Indent Mode. ** (Thanks to Sean Whitton for reporting the bug and discussing the fix.)