BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
maint-23Strip beta markers for paredit.el 23.Taylor R Campbell11 years
maint-24Remove beta markers for version 24.Taylor R Campbell9 years
maint-25Nix beta markers for paredit.el 25.Taylor R Campbell18 months
masterBump copyright year.Taylor R Campbell10 months
releaseparedit.el 26Taylor R Campbell18 months
v26commit 72cc1f6055...Taylor R Campbell18 months
v25commit 642b678e9a...Taylor R Campbell18 months
v24commit 82bb75ceb2...Taylor R Campbell9 years
v23commit a3384b3ace...Taylor R Campbell11 years
v22commit 24d2ade311...Taylor R Campbell14 years
v21commit 342fee5dfe...Taylor R Campbell16 years
v20commit 94645884ce...Taylor R Campbell16 years
v19commit b033174024...Taylor R Campbell16 years
v18commit 7f89e54961...Taylor R Campbell16 years
v17commit 004d2574d9...Taylor R Campbell16 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2013-04-07Strip beta markers for paredit.el 23.v23maint-23Taylor R Campbell
2013-04-07Add `megane' from a slightly newer list of credits, 2011-08-30.Taylor R Campbell
2013-04-07Add CREDITS file from 2011-05-08. Needs some additions since then.Taylor R Campbell
2013-04-07Add a trivial shell script to generate paredit.html.Taylor R Campbell
2011-05-08Tweak `paredit-convolute-sexp' a little and add some tests for it.Taylor R Campbell
2011-05-07Add trivial to compile paredit and run tests.Taylor R Campbell
2011-05-07Add message to top of `paredit-test' reporting what we're testing.Taylor R Campbell
2011-05-07Fix error message in `paredit-test'.Taylor R Campbell
2011-05-07Fix `kill-line' tests now that `show-trailing-whitespace' is nil.Taylor R Campbell
2011-05-07Set `show-trailing-whitespace' to nil when running tests.Taylor R Campbell